Sunday 4 October 2020

C interview questions - Part 1

Please share it with your friends who are preparing for interview , and comment down your suggestions , or any mistake in the post. 

code snippets are hosted on you can run code there as well.

1) modulo operator ( % ) , shift operators ( >> , << )  cannot be used with floats & double , it generates error.

2) Negative integers on right-hand side is undefined behavior in the C language. Means doing "b = a << -1 ; doesn't generate error but behavior is undefined in C.

3) divide ( / ) by 2 and right shift ( >> ) by 1 gives same result for positive integers. Means 

b = 4;

a = b / 2;

a = b >> 1;

will give same results.

4) Multiply ( * ) by 2 and left shift ( << ) by 1 gives same result for positive integers. Means 

b = 4;

a = b * 2;

a = b << 1;

will give same results.

5) Using negative numbers as index of array. This is legal and will not genrate error.

int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}

doing printf( "%d" , a[-1] ) works.

so suppose a[0] address is 0x4000 then a[-1] will access 0x3FFF.

In this kind of tricky questions always remember ARRAY ARITHMATIC IS SIMLAR TO POINTER ARITHMATIC.

READ : pointer in c by Yashwant Kanetkar

6) Everything is Pass-By-Value in C => even in case of array a pointer is passed by value.

Read this post : < >

few pointers to remember :

- structures in C is pass by value i.e entire structure will be copied to the called function.

- in case of  array only pointer of first element is passed. so using that pointer inside called function will modify the actual array:

7) Questions related to structure , Union , enums, bitfields , packed , unpacked structure.

* interesting question regarding structure member initialization : >

* what is structure padding , and why it is done ? 

try to run following code on your given compiler and see output of different structure. >

also read this article and even comments : < >

8) Bit fields questions :

< > >

check out size of this code

9) A tricky switch case question :

10 ) Read enum vs #define vs static const.

* what is default size of enum - > some embedded compiler uses adaptive approach for enum i.e if the values can be fit in 8-bit ( i..e 0 to 255 ) then it will be 8-bit. But mostly it will int. >

11 ) Inline function vs Macro definitions.

12) bitwise AND vs logical AND ( i know it's basic but sometimes you just lose it ): >

13) switch case vs if ... else ( one of the hot favorite one ):

< > >

try to compile and see disassembly of following code in your compiler:

### you can use for that if you don't have compiler installed ###

14) shallow copy  vs deep copy in case of structures in c.

15) what is practical use of counting semaphore :

< >

16) binary semaphore vs mutex : >

mutex is well suited in thread.

and binary semaphore is well suited with processes

17) What is size of integer in C ? and is default integer signed or unsigned ?

=> One should not answer 4 byte immediately. Size of integer depends on processor architecture and compiler. For  many16-bit devices and 8-bit 8051 , size of integer is 2 bytes whereas for for 32-bit devices size of integer is mostly 4 byte.

similar way a plain => int x; could be unsigned or signed. This completely depends on compiler default. and they should not be relied upon.

To keep the code always portable one should not use ints , instead uint8_t , uint16_t and uint32_t should be used for unsigned 8-bit , 16-bit and 32-bits.

similarly int8_t , int16_t and int32_t should be used for signed 8-bit , 16-bit and 32-bits.

Definition for this is provided in <stdint.h> file in C.

You can have look at this file here : < >

*** this one is also one must read with the introduction of 64-bit machines : >

18) Questions related to little Endian , big Endian. ( you can be asked lot of coding question around this topic as well ).

19) Reentrant function in c , and rules that makes a function reentrant.

20) Basic bit twiddling/manipulation questions.

read this post : <,n%20th%20bit%20of%20number%20 >

21) Rotate the number : >

22) Count number of set bit in a number : >

23)  Count total bits in a number >

24) Insert N number of bits into M number of bits , with i starting location and j end location :

M : 1 000 0101

N : 110

i: 3, j: 5

N = N<<i;

M = M | N ;

Result: 1 011 0101

25) count  position of first 0 bit in a number:

count = 0

while( ~(Num >>= count) & 0x01)




return count

26)  Difference between const char *p, char * const p and const char * const p

27) Typedef function pointer :

28) implement a bubble sort ( even though bubble sort is very inefficient but this questions is widely asked at beginner level to check basic programming skills ): >

 29) Must go through on geeksforgeeks :

< >

< >

< >

< >

30) Highly recommended questions from InterviewBit :

Top C Interview Questions (2021) - InterviewBit >

Please share it with your friends who are preparing for interview , and comment down your suggestions , or any mistake in the post.